Saturday, February 22, 2014

The new blog

Although the blog space that we are provided as teachers at our school district has been great, it has been found wanting in many ways.  This has lead me to create a new blog through Google which is much more capable. 

Our attempts to provide students with the most up to date technology are continuing.  A huge thank you goes out to Steve and Brian at our Educational Services District for everything they are doing to help us move forward.  It is because of them that we are expecting a scanner next week and our 4th printer in late March.
This is the new machine from Hyrel we hope to receive by the end of March.  I am presenting at the OACTE conference on April 9 and we would really like to be able to take this with us.

We are also crossing our fingers that Extrusionbot is going to be able to come through with a filament extruder for us as well.  Another product we are itching to get our hands on and run through its paces in the classroom.  The folks at Extruderbot have been incredibly nice and patient with us and we are looking forward to a long, productive and educational relationship with them.
Everything that is happening lately is due in large part to the hard work of a lot of different people and we can't even begin to thank them enough.  To my colleagues at SOESD, my new friends at Hyrel and Extrusionbot....thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do for our students.  These kids are learning about things nobody would have thought were possible just a couple of years ago.  Let's keep getting them ready for life after High School!

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